Making sense of the world around us through contemporary photography

micro:bit — Python Editor

  • Product design
  • Prototyping
  • Ux/Ui development
  • Blimp Studio
Loupe magazine on table

As a co-founder and art director of Loupe magazine, I've had the privilege of fostering a collaborative environment. Over the past eight years and twelve issues, we've connected new, exciting writers with the next generation of photographers, a testament to our shared commitment to better understanding the world around us.

Through my role, I had the opportunity to create Loupe's digital presence for both ecommerce and online articles that has significantly expanded upon the topics explored in every issue. By using motion principles, we were able to deepen engagement and inspire a new wave of digital publishing.

One of our most successful endeavors was creating an engaging and unique social media campaign. This initiative underpinned the magazine's success and allowed us to directly communicate with our audience, discover new, unheard-of photographers, and successfully launch each issue.

Spread of Loupe Magazine on table

Our international distribution has been a game-changer, with over 75,000 copies of the magazine reaching readers across the globe. This has not only disrupted the photography magazine industry but also played a pivotal role in launching the careers of more than 40 new photographers.

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